A student of architecture, Marcos Maguma was always passionate about drawing and communicating with images. He started working as a professional illustrator in El País where he worked as a regular collaborator. He collaborated with a large number of magazines and newspapers, designed posters, published picture books, made murals, and delivered at workshops and conferences.
His books have been published in several countries by Fondo de Cultura Económica, Editorial Limonero, A Buen Paso, Editorial Amanuta, Tara Books or Libros del Zorro Rojo, among others.
His noteworthy published titles are – Happy/Lucky Hans published by Tara Books, Raíces del bosque (Roots of the forest) published by Amanuta, Quince ocasiones para pedir deseos en la calle (15 occasions to make wishes on the street) published by Limonero, ¿A dónde van? (Where are you going?) published by Fondo de Cultura Econonómica, Un día de tormenta (A stormy day) published by A Buen Paso, God of Money published by Tara Books, La pobre viejecita (The Poor Old Lady) published by Editorial Amanuta, Cada pulpo con su pulpa (each octopus with its pulp), MONOLITO (Monolith) in collaboration with Flávia Bomfim (FlaMa collective) published by Movicontinuo editora, Flowers are the beautiful hieroglyphics of nature published by Movicontinuo editora, Flamantes (collective authorship) published by Bolboreta press and FlaMa, Qué tirria (collective authorship) published by Editorial Milrazones.
The numerous awards won by him include – Iberoamerica Ilustra Award 2023, Grand Prix of the Nami Concours International Prize 2023, APIM Award 2021 in Adult Fiction Editorial category for Lucky Happy Hans, Babalunga Award 2019 promoted by Babakamo Festival for Lucky Hay Hans, Nami Concours 2019 in Green Island category for 15 occasions to ask for fingers on the street, White Raven 2019 for A Stormy Day, APIM Award 2018 for 15 occasions to ask for fingers on the street, Hummingbird Medal 2016 for The Poor Old Lady.