Arupa Patangia Kalita is a writer with five novels, 12 short story collections, several novellas, children books, and translations into Assamese to her credit. A number of her books have been translated into English, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi and Bodo. English translation of her novel Felani by Deepika Phookan was shortlisted for Economist Crossword Book Award for translation. Ranjita Biswas received Sahitya Akademi Award for her translation of Arupa Patangia Kalita’s short story collection Written in Tears. She has won Sahitya Akademi Award for her short story collection Mariam Astin Othoba Hira Barua. Translation of the book titled Loneliness of Hira Baruah too fetched Ranjita Biswas the Valley of Words Award for translation. She was also honoured with Katha Award and Assam Valley Literary Award among others.