FLAMA is a space-time for co-creation and experimentation between illustrators Flávia Bomfim (Brazil) and Maguma (Spain).
Embracing the challenge of collective production and stretching the boundaries and limits of individual authorship, we develop games of systematic and continuous interferences in drawings and graphic productions, expanding and reinterpreting the ideas of style, creativity, authorship, and genius.
For this workshop, we propose to transfer the games, methodologies, techniques, and discoveries that we have been collecting throughout our experiences to a collective activity. In the end, we will produce a collection of posters together.
We will divide the activity-game into 3 stages:
1- Form – exercises in sensitization, attention, capture, and collection of forms.
2- Connection / Syntax – making – together. Deconstruct and reconnect, through the poetics of invention.
3- Communication – not everything is magic in the field of semiotics. Tools that activate the statement in an image.
We will go through all the stages of a creative cycle: research – idea – creation – presentation
Each person must bring: pencil, eraser, scissors, stylus (different colors), rule, cutter.
Collective Material:
Session 1 : March 20 : Flama: 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Session 2 :: March 21: Flama: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm